
Thursday, 29 June 2017

This week we did handwriting it's not my best but hope you like it, there is no LPG for handwriting.
Hope you like my BLOG

Last week I think we did writing and I did how to make a unicorn, the LPG number is 24.

This week in maths we did dividing fractions by fractions the LPG number is 17.
THANKS for looking at my blog.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

the book is called NOT SO NORMAL
This week in reading/collbolt we did a drawing thing when you have to draw sertan things in boxes.The LPG is number 3.
This week in maths a group did multipling fractions by fractions the number is 16 and 17

Thursday, 15 June 2017

This week I did a recipe for a unicorn sorry I don't know the LPG

This week my group with Mr B did fractions. The LPG is number
11? But this was very fun i learnt a lot.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

                                             This week we did persuasive writing and I did should HPS move lunchtime to 12:30 to 1:30 instead of 12 to 1:00

Yes I agree 1st because we can get more time to learn new things and we get to do more maths, if we do more maths than we can get really smart, if we are still smart when we are older than we will get a good job and get paid lots of money, so we can become rich.

I also think that we should move the lunchtime so we get to learn new strategies in maths and handwriting, while working with the teachers and friends but not mucking around.
My last one is because so that we get to do more fun things if you do things right and get to earn it off and sometimes even might get free choice but probably not. And that's why I think that we should move the lunchtime
This week in maths the class made problems to word
problems and this LPG goal is solving multiplication problems
using a range of strategies such as word problems.

I can use visual language features to help me understand the ideas and information
in texts I read.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

This week my reading group (colbolt) we did know your character.

This week we did persuasive writing. My choice was not to wear

This week Mr B tort me how to do this strategies and the LPG was number 16 to solve
multiplication problems using a range of strategies.